Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On Maintaining Your HVAC Unit after the Winter: Keep It Functional

The harshest winter in recent memory has finally ended. People can now take off their jackets and gloves to look forward to the warmer temperatures spring will bring along. However, before homeowners get happy with the beautiful weather, it is important to check the condition of the heating and cooling system.

The reason why the HVAC system must be checked is that the record-breaking frigidity of the past winter may have put different HVAC units under extra stress to keep the house warm. Summer is also on the way, so having your unit checked today will save you from having to compete against other clients for your trusted HVAC contractor’s attention.

Besides trusting your contractor, it is also important that you know how to check the condition of your HVAC unit. First of all, make sure that the unit is ready for the warm temperatures of summer by checking the condition of the coils, the refrigerant level present, and the blower components.

Another point to check constantly is the filter. The filter keeps the air being distributed throughout your house clean. It is ideal to use filters with electrostatic charge so that the unit can trap even the smallest of particles.

In addition, check the controls, the thermostat, the condensate drain, and all the electrical connections. It is also imperative to oil any moving parts in your HVAC unit. This will ensure that the machine will be able to operate and perform its function adequately.

If you do these checks and find irregularities in the system, and you don’t know how to deal with them, it is best to let trusted professionals take care of them.

On Maintaining Your HVAC Unit after the Winter: Keep It Functional

The harshest winter in recent memory has finally ended. People can now take off their jackets and gloves to look forward to the warmer tempe...